Source code for ezaero.vlm.steady

The :mod:`ezaero.vlm.steady` module includes a Vortex Lattice Method
implementation for lifting surfaces.

.. [1] Katz, J. et al., *Low-Speed Aerodynamics*, 2nd ed, Cambridge University
   Press, 2001: Chapter 12

from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy as np

from ezaero.vlm.plotting import (

[docs]@dataclass class WingParameters: """ Container for the geometric parameters of the wing. Attributes ---------- root_chord : float Chord at root of the wing. tip_chord : float Chord at tip of the wing. planform_wingspan : float Wingspan of the planform. sweep_angle : float Sweep angle of the 1/4 chord line, expressed in radians. dihedral_angle : float Dihedral angle, expressed in radians. """ root_chord: float = 1 tip_chord: float = 1 planform_wingspan: float = 4 sweep_angle: float = 0 dihedral_angle: float = 0
[docs]@dataclass class MeshParameters: """ Container for the wing mesh parameters. Attributes ---------- m : int Number of chordwise panels. n : int Number of spanwise panels. """ m: int = 4 n: int = 16
[docs]@dataclass class FlightConditions: """ Container for the flight conditions. Attributes ---------- ui : float Free-stream flow velocity. angle_of_attack : float Angle of attack of the wing, expressed in radians. rho : float Free-stream flow density. """ ui: float = 100 aoa: float = np.pi rho: float = 1
[docs]@dataclass class SimulationResults: """ Container for the resulting distributions from the steady VLM simulation. Attributes ---------- dp : np.ndarray, shape (m, n) Distribution of pressure difference between lower and upper surfaces. dL : np.ndarray, shape (m, n) Lift distribution. cl : np.ndarray, shape (m, n) Lift coefficient distribution. cl_wing : float Wing lift coefficient. cl_span : np.ndarray, shape (n, ) Spanwise lift coefficient distribution. """ dp: np.ndarray dL: np.ndarray cl: np.ndarray cl_wing: float cl_span: np.ndarray
[docs]class Simulation: """ Simulation runner. Attributes ---------- wing : WingParameters Wing geometry definition. mesh : MeshParameters Mesh specification for the wing. flight_conditions : FlightConditions Flight conditions for the simulation. """ def __init__( self, wing: WingParameters, mesh: MeshParameters, flight_conditions: FlightConditions, ): self.wing = wing self.mesh = mesh self.flight_conditions = flight_conditions
[docs] def run(self): """ Run end-to-end steady VLM simulation. Returns ------- SimulationResults Object containing the results of the steady VLM simulation. """ self._build_wing_panels() self._build_wing_vortex_panels() self._calculate_panel_normal_vectors() self._calculate_wing_planform_surface() self._build_wake() self._calculate_influence_matrix() self._calculate_rhs() self._solve_net_panel_circulation_distribution() self.distributions = self._calculate_aero_distributions_from_circulation() return self.distributions
[docs] def plot_wing(self, **kwargs): """ Generate 3D plot of wing panels, vortex panels, and panel control points. """ try: ax = plot_panels(self.wing_panels, **kwargs) plot_panels(self.vortex_panels, edge_color="r", fill_color=0, ax=ax) plot_control_points(self.cpoints, ax=ax) except AttributeError as e: message = f"An error occurred. Make sure you have already run this simulation.\n{e}" raise AttributeError(message)
[docs] def plot_cl(self): """ Plot lift coefficient distribution on the wing. """ try: plot_cl_distribution_on_wing(self.wing_panels, self.distributions) except AttributeError as e: message = f"An error occurred. Make sure you have already run this simulation.\n{e}" raise AttributeError(message)
def _build_panel(self, i, j): """ Build a wing panel indexed by its chord and spanwise indices. Parameters ---------- i : int Panel chordwise index. j : int Panel spanwise index. Returns ------- panel : np.ndarray, shape (4, 3) Array containing the (x,y,z) coordinates of the (`i`, `j`)-th panel's vertices (sorted A-B-D-C). pc : np.ndarray, shape (3, ) (x,y,z) coordinates of the (`i`, `j`)-th panel's collocation point. """ dy = self.wing.planform_wingspan / self.mesh.n y_A = -self.wing.planform_wingspan / 2 + j * dy y_B = y_A + dy y_C, y_D = y_A, y_B y_pc = y_A + dy / 2 # chord law evaluation c_AC, c_BD, c_pc = [ get_chord_at_section( y, root_chord=self.wing.root_chord, tip_chord=self.wing.tip_chord, span=self.wing.planform_wingspan, ) for y in (y_A, y_B, y_pc) ] # division of the chord in m equal panels dx_AC, dx_BD, dx_pc = [c / self.mesh.m for c in (c_AC, c_BD, c_pc)] # r,s,q are the X coordinates of the quarter chord line at spanwise # locations: y_A, y_B and y_pc respectively r, s, q = [ get_quarter_chord_x(y, cr=self.wing.root_chord, sweep=self.wing.sweep_angle) for y in (y_A, y_B, y_pc) ] x_A = (r - c_AC / 4) + i * dx_AC x_B = (s - c_BD / 4) + i * dx_BD x_C = x_A + dx_AC x_D = x_B + dx_BD x_pc = (q - c_pc / 4) + (i + 3 / 4) * dx_pc x = np.array([x_A, x_B, x_D, x_C]) y = np.array([y_A, y_B, y_D, y_C]) z = np.tan(self.wing.dihedral_angle) * np.abs(y) panel = np.stack((x, y, z), axis=-1) z_pc = np.tan(self.wing.dihedral_angle) * np.abs(y_pc) pc = np.array([x_pc, y_pc, z_pc]) return panel, pc def _build_wing_panels(self): """ Build wing panels and collocation points. Creates ------- self.wing_panels : np.ndarray, shape (m, n, 4, 3) Array containing the (x,y,z) coordinates of all wing panel vertices. self.cpoints : np.ndarray, shape (m, n, 3) Array containing the (x,y,z) coordinates of all collocation points. """ self.wing_panels = np.empty((self.mesh.m, self.mesh.n, 4, 3)) self.cpoints = np.empty((self.mesh.m, self.mesh.n, 3)) for i in range(self.mesh.m): for j in range(self.mesh.n): self.wing_panels[i, j], self.cpoints[i, j] = self._build_panel(i, j) def _build_wing_vortex_panels(self): """ Creates ------- aic : np.ndarray, shape (m, n, 4, 3) Array containing the (x,y,z) coordinates of all vortex panel vertices. """ X, Y, Z = [self.wing_panels[:, :, :, i] for i in range(3)] dxv = (X[:, :, [3, 2, 2, 3]] - X[:, :, [0, 1, 1, 0]]) / 4 XV = X + dxv YV = Y ZV = np.empty((self.mesh.m, self.mesh.n, 4)) Z01 = Z[:, :, [0, 1]] dzv = Z[:, :, [3, 2]] - Z01 ZV[:, :, [0, 1]] = Z01 + 1 / 4 * dzv ZV[:, :, [3, 2]] = Z01 + 5 / 4 * dzv self.vortex_panels = np.stack([XV, YV, ZV], axis=3) def _calculate_panel_normal_vectors(self): """ Calculate the normal vector for each wing panel, approximated by the direction of the cross product of the panel diagonals. Creates ------- normals : np.ndarray, shape (m, n, 3) Array containing the normal vectors to all wing panels. """ d1 = self.wing_panels[:, :, 2] - self.wing_panels[:, :, 0] d2 = self.wing_panels[:, :, 1] - self.wing_panels[:, :, 3] nv = np.cross(d1, d2) self.normals = nv / np.linalg.norm(nv, ord=2, axis=2, keepdims=True) def _calculate_wing_planform_surface(self): """ Calculate the planform projected surface of all wing panels. Creates ------- panel_surfaces : np.ndarray, shape (m, n) Array containing the planform (projected) surface of each panel. """ x, y = [self.wing_panels[:, :, :, i] for i in range(2)] # shoelace formula to calculate flat polygon area (XY projection) einsum_str = "ijk,ijk->ij" d1 = np.einsum(einsum_str, x, np.roll(y, 1, axis=2)) d2 = np.einsum(einsum_str, y, np.roll(x, 1, axis=2)) self.panel_surfaces = 0.5 * np.abs(d1 - d2) def _build_wake(self, offset=300): """ Build the steady wake vortex panels. offset : int Downstream distance at which the steady wake is truncated (expressed in multiples of the wingspan) Creates ------- wake : np.ndarray, shape (n, 4, 3) Array containing the (x,y,z) coordinates of the panel vertices that form the steady wake. """ self.wake = np.empty((self.mesh.n, 4, 3)) self.wake[:, [0, 1]] = self.vortex_panels[self.mesh.m - 1][:, [3, 2]] delta = ( offset * self.wing.planform_wingspan * np.array( [ np.cos(self.flight_conditions.aoa), 0, np.sin(self.flight_conditions.aoa), ] ) ) self.wake[:, [3, 2]] = self.wake[:, [0, 1]] + delta def _calculate_wing_influence_matrix(self): """ Calculate influence matrix (wing contribution). Creates ------- aic : np.ndarray, shape (m * n, m * n) Wing contribution to the influence matrix. """ r = self.vortex_panels.reshape( (self.mesh.m * self.mesh.n, 1, 4, 3) ) - self.cpoints.reshape((1, self.mesh.m * self.mesh.n, 1, 3)) vel = biot_savart(r) nv = self.normals.reshape((self.mesh.m * self.mesh.n, 3)) self.aic_wing = np.einsum("ijk,jk->ji", vel, nv) def _calculate_wake_wing_influence_matrix(self): """ Calculate influence matrix (steady wake contribution). Creates ------- aic : np.ndarray, shape (m * n, m * n) Wake contribution to the influence matrix. """ mn = self.mesh.m * self.mesh.n self.aic_wake = np.zeros((mn, mn)) r = self.wake[:, np.newaxis, :, :] - self.cpoints.reshape((1, mn, 1, 3)) vel = biot_savart(r) nv = self.normals.reshape((mn, 3)) self.aic_wake[:, -self.mesh.n :] = np.einsum("ijk,jk->ji", vel, nv) def _calculate_influence_matrix(self): """ Creates ------- aic : np.ndarray, shape (m * n, m * n) Influence matrix, including wing and wake contributions. """ self._calculate_wing_influence_matrix() self._calculate_wake_wing_influence_matrix() self.aic = self.aic_wing + self.aic_wake def _calculate_rhs(self): """ Returns ------- rhs : np.ndarray, shape (m * n, ) RHS vector. """ u = self.flight_conditions.ui * np.array( [np.cos(self.flight_conditions.aoa), 0, np.sin(self.flight_conditions.aoa)] ) self.rhs = * self.mesh.n, -1), u) def _solve_net_panel_circulation_distribution(self): """ Calculate panel net circulation by solving the linear equation: AIC * circulation = RHS Creates ------- net_circulation : np.ndarray, shape (m, n) Array containing net circulation for each panel. """ g = np.linalg.solve(self.aic, self.rhs).reshape(self.mesh.m, self.mesh.n) self.net_circulation = np.empty_like(g) self.net_circulation[0, :] = g[0, :] self.net_circulation[1:, :] = g[1:, :] - g[:-1, :] def _calculate_aero_distributions_from_circulation(self): m, n = self.mesh.m, self.mesh.n rho, ui = ( self.flight_conditions.rho, self.flight_conditions.ui, ) bp = self.wing.planform_wingspan dL = self.net_circulation * rho * ui * bp / n dp = dL / self.panel_surfaces cl = dp / (0.5 * rho * ui ** 2) cl_wing = dL.sum() / (0.5 * rho * ui ** 2 * self.panel_surfaces.sum()) cl_span = cl.sum(axis=0) / m return SimulationResults(dL=dL, dp=dp, cl=cl, cl_wing=cl_wing, cl_span=cl_span)
def get_quarter_chord_x(y, cr, sweep): # slope of the quarter chord line p = np.tan(sweep) return cr / 4 + p * abs(y) def get_chord_at_section(y, root_chord, tip_chord, span): c = root_chord + (tip_chord - root_chord) * abs(2 * y / span) return c def norm_23_ext(v): return np.linalg.norm(v, ord=2, axis=3, keepdims=True) def biot_savart(r1): r2 = np.roll(r1, shift=-1, axis=2) cp = np.cross(r1, r2) d1 = r2 - r1 d2 = r1 / norm_23_ext(r1) - r2 / norm_23_ext(r2) vel = np.einsum("ijkl,ijkl->ijk", d1, d2)[:, :, :, np.newaxis] vel = -1 / (4 * np.pi) * cp / (norm_23_ext(cp) ** 2) * vel return vel.sum(axis=2)